On December 2, 1973, just before noon, Roland Binette, a farmer, and his son discovered the body of a man on the edge of Grand-Pré Road in Acadie. The man was lying face down and was covered with a coat. They immediately alerted the police.
The first police officers to arrive on the scene were those from St-Luc, followed by the Sûreté du Québec from St-Jean and the crimes against the person squad from the Sûreté du Québec in Montreal. The man was quickly identified as Jean-Paul Durocher, 34 years old, originally from the city of Lasalle and who had been living at the New Frontenac hotel in Iberville for a year and a half. Jean-Paul was shot with 18 bullets from the same weapon during the night of Saturday December 1st and Sunday December 2nd. Witnesses saw him at the New Frontenac Hotel on Saturday until approximately 1:30 a.m. morning.
The day after the discovery of his body, searches were carried out in a small road adjacent to Row de la Coulée-des-Pères and Mr. Durocher’s car, a 1966 Meteor, was found there, abandoned in a field at 6 miles from where the body was found. That same day, the .38 caliber Colt Special was found 500 feet from the car in a wooded area.
Jean-Paul “Bouboule” Durocher was a repeat offender who was on parole after being sentenced to 15 years in prison on various counts, including violent robbery and assault. He was known to the population since he sold clothes in the bars of the region. He also engaged in loan sharking in the St-Jean region: he lent money to various people at a certain excessive interest rate.
At the start of the investigation, investigators claimed that the murder of Mr. Durocher was allegedly committed by individuals from the region. However, in a March 27, 1974, Canada Français article, investigators seemed certain that the murder had been committed by the Montreal underworld.
Any information related to this murder can be reported anonymously to the Sûreté du Québec info-crime line at 1-800-659-4264.
You can also communicate anonymously with Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec at 819-200-4628 and [email protected].
Translation from French

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