| Longueuil | Kamal Ayoub Missing since October 22 2024
The last time Mr. Ayoub was seen was October 2, 2024. he was at Remorquage Groupe Laberge in Longueuil. He wanted to take the personal...
Often in the shadows, but always present.
At Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec , our mission sometimes goes beyond what the eyes can see. We work discreetly to resolve complex, sometimes painful...
| Saint-Laurent| Monique Gravel Murdered on April 25, 2004
Monique Gravel was 49 or 50 years old at the time of her murder, on April 25, 2004. She was found at home by her...
|Piedmont| Jocelyne Dubé Missing Since October 2, 2008
Jocelyne Dubé went missing on October 2, 2008. She left her home alone in her car, a black Mercedes SLK convertible. The vehicle was allegedly...
The murder of a father remains unsolved 16 years later
On September 21, 2007, Marc Cummings, a 52-year-old single father, was beaten to death at his hunting camp in Cawood, Québec which is south of...