Jessica Malouf-Pelletier, 28, was last seen in September 2017 in the municipality of Saint-Sulpice (Lanaudière) where she lived with her parents. For unclear reasons, her disappearance was reported to the Assomption Police Department only 9 months later, in June 2018.
At the time of the events, her son was only 16 months old. According to those close to Jessica, she used to post regularly on her social networks. Her last publication dates back to August 2017.
This disappearance unfortunately received very little media coverage and the police do not, to date, have any additional information that could advance the investigation. Several theories currently surround the circumstances of the events, but they have not been confirmed.
Jessica has green eyes and speaks French. At the time of her disappearance, she was 5 feet 5 inches (1.70 meters) tall and weighed approximately 68 kg. She also has a distinctive rosary tattoo on her right forearm that ends on her fingers.
Any information related to this disappearance can be reported anonymously to the Service de police de L’Assomption at 450-589-4777.
You can also communicate anonymously with Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec at 819-200-4628 and [email protected]
Source: Translation from French

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