On Wednesday, September 9, 2009 around noon, Marcel Lanouette, who has always lived in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, left his home on rue Sainte-Anne to pick up scrap metal as per usual. He left on his yellow bicycle with a wooden owl fixed to the handlebars. Noting his prolonged absence, Marcel’s family contacted the police to report him missing.
His disappearance surprised many, because Mr. Lanouette was an accomplished cyclist despite his age. The husband of Marcel’s younger sister, Jean Durand, says he is more and more convinced that something happened on the day of his disappearance, since Marcel was used to always doing the same things. “According to the information, he seemed confused. We had also seen him leave a little earlier than usual on his bike. He may have had a discomfort [since he was cardiac] and have fallen, ”says Jean.
According to the investigation, a lady from Batiscan, who knew Marcel well, saw him pass in front of her residence on September 10th around noon. Several volunteers scoured many of the places Marcel used to go on his long bike rides. The police also carried out searches which proved fruitless. His bicycle was never found either.
At the time of his disappearance, Marcel Lanouette was 81 years old and weighed 68 kg. He wore blue jogging pants, a green short-sleeved vest and brown leather shoes. He has blue eyes, gray hair and is 1.76 meters tall. He was never married and never had children.
Any information related to this disappearance can be reported anonymously to the Sûreté du Québec info-crime line at 1-800-659-4264.
You can also communicate anonymously with Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec at 819-200-4628 and [email protected].
Source: Translation from French

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