19-year-old Theresa Allore disappeared the evening of November 03rd, 1978, in an around Champlain College in Lennoxville where she was studying. She lived in Gillard’s House, a residence on the Compton Campus. She possibly hitchhiked home after a dinner with friends at King’s Hall, on the Champlain Campus as she missed the 6h15pm shuttle bus. She was heading back to her campus to listen to records with friends. She was never seen again. Police initially believed she fled willingly, therefore her disappearance was not investigated diligently.
The following spring, on April 13th, 1979, Theresa’s body was found by a hunter under a bridge in the Coaticook River in Compton. She was only wearing her undergarments. Her wallet was found a few days later on McDonald Road, 10 km away from her body. unfortunately, because of the advanced state of putrefaction of Theresa’s body, it was impossible for the Coroner to establish the specific time or cause of death. Nonetheless, there were indications of possible strangulation.
Detective in 1978: Roch Gaudreault, Sûreté du Québec
In February 1978, Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec installed a poster with Theresa’s picture on a transport truck of Transport Clément Lavoie of Coaticook, in order to try to obtain information on her unsolved murder.
Any information on Theresa Allore’s unsolved murder can be directed confidentially to la Sûreté du Québec’s crime info line at: 1 800 659-4264.
Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec at 819-200-4628, [email protected]
Source: family

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