Donna Paré was reported missing on March 26, 2019, by the Project Iskweu, but has not been heard from since December 2018. Donna is an Inuk female and at the time of her disappearance, she was 32 years old, had black hair and weighed 47 kg. She has brown eyes and is 5ft 1 tall. Donna had been homeless for several years and she would frequent places such as the Montreal Berri-UQAM and Place-des-Arts subway stations, as well as McDonald’s on Sainte-Catherine Street East or Berri Park. She did not have a bank card or cell phone.
SPVM investigators believe that she could have bad relationships and fear for her health and safety.
Any information related to this disappearance can be reported anonymously to the city of Montreal info-crime line at 514-393-1133. You can also communicate anonymously with Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec at 819-200-4628 ([email protected]) or with the Project Iskweu at 438-868-2448.
Sources: Translation from French

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