23-year-old Philippe Lajoie disappeared on the evening of February 14th, 2007 from his barn where he was raising pigs, at 551 Petite Rivière du Nord Road in Yamachiche. He rented the barn and ran the business with his brother. He left his home in Saint-Didace, after dinner, to go feed the pigs. The barn was 40kms away.
His family found his truck at 2h00am at the barn, with the keys still in the ignition. Philippe had fed the pigs and removed his work clothes. An important snow storm, with strong winds, erased any traces and evidence that could have assisted in understanding what happened to Philippe.
Philippe measured 5 feet 8 inches (1.73m) and weighed 150 pounds (63kg). He had blue eyes and brown hair.
Please help Philippe’s family find answers by sharing his story.
Any information that could help in solving this missing person’s case can be transmitted, confidentially, to la Sûreté du Québec’s info-crime line (SQ) : 1 800 659-4264.
Meurtres et Disparitions Irrésolus du Québec 819 200-4628 [email protected]
Source: Family and la Sureté que Québec
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